Introducing The Expat Group's range of publications. Each of our magazines and guides provides valuable information about Malaysia and the surrounding region.

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The Expat
The Expat
Snapshot : This magazine is for pre-arrival, newly-arrived, and resident expats in Malaysia providing information especially about the country and surrounding region. It covers history, culture, people profiles, government initiatives, news, sports, travel, places to go and things to do. View an older edition here.
Frequency : Monthly
RM 120.00

[ 12 issues ]
RM 120.00
TEG Media's range of publications
The Expat Education Guide
The Expat Education Guide
Snapshot : This guide provides information to those interested in sending their children to an international school in Malaysia. It includes comprehensive information on the range of schools in the country including current annual fees.
Frequency : Annually
RM 20.00

[ 1 issue ]
The Expat Welcome Guide
The Expat Welcome Guide
Snapshot : This publication is for newly-arrived expats. It provides useful overviews of the country and information for settling in. It offers information on relevant products and services, places to go and things to do.
Frequency : Anually
RM 20.00

[ 1 issue ]
Total : RM 120.00